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Aluminium Magazine Rack

Six (6) collapsible magazine racks. Brochures or catalogues can be displayed on either side of the racks.

Made of aluminium and easy to setup: remove from bag and lift the top. Perfect for exhibitions, sales promotions and marketing campaigns.

Aluminium collapsible magazine racks with carring bag

  • Collapsible magazine rack
  • Aluminum carrying case

Price includes:
Collapsible Magazine Rack
Durable Carrying Case

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Painted Steel Magazine Rack

This fast-fold design steel folding brochure holder has 4 pockets that all face one side.

Each of the four pockets measures 9" w x 12" h x 1" d, which is great for standard 8.5"w x 11"h literature or two tri-fold brochures.

Fast-fold design steel folding brochure holder with carring bag


Price includes:
Collapsible Magazine Rack
Fabric Carrying Bag

Free Estimate for signs done by Quick signs Inc.

Light Fabric
Magazine Rack

Very light weight yet stable and easy to use roll-away mesh fabric literature rack.

Perfect for anyone who needs a lightweight and portable literature stand. Made of aluminum frames, black mesh fabric, and has 8 single-sided pockets.

Each pocket measures approximately 9.5" w x 12" h

Fast-fold design steel folding brochure holder with carring bag


Price includes:
Collapsible Magazine Rack
Fabric Carrying Bag

Free Estimate for signs done by Quick signs Inc.
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